
Showing posts from June, 2016

Two week update

Two weeks into the start of the Robot Arm in Schools project and the number of kits available is dropping steadily now. Six Northamptonshire Primary schools and two Secondary school now have the kits in most parts of the county. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with the kits, from the discussions with the schools, it is going to be interesting. @scottturneruon @santanderuk student getting excited about using robot arm for A2 project. Will be blogging soon — KayS (@kay_simons) June 17, 2016 I am grateful to Santander UK for the funding; CBiS Education for their support and advice so far; last but not least the schools who have enthusiastically who are taking part. All views are the author's and not an organisation the author is associated with.

First four days of the robot arms

Wow! It has only been four days since the robot arms kits, in the project, started going into the schools. As of yesterday half the robot arm kits are in schools - four Primary schools and one Secondary School - a further Secondary school is expected to have one tomorrow. I am looking forward to helping where I can and seeing some of the outcomes; just from the initial conversations ideas around space, code clubs and diversity have all been mentioned. Here are some of the tweets about what has happened already (not all of them me). Also get free #Cardboard2Code Part1 Part2 @Tiffybum @scottturneruon — CBiS Education (@cbiseducation) June 9, 2016 @scottturneruon @cbiseducation Arm up & running, and we are already tinkering! This will be a fun year! — Stacey (@Tiffybum) June 9, 2016 Getting ready to talk about the Robot Arm project at #tmplaydate @santande...

Start of the project

Santander UK  recently provided the funding for a project I have want to do for a while; to loan robot arm kits, which are pretty much self-contained, out to schools to see what they come up with. The idea being to provide the kit for a year and the schools taking part write a blog post (or more than one), sharing what they have done.   The chosen kit is the  CBiS Education robot arm hub  because it comes with the robot arm, cables, raspberry pi, etc as well as screen, keyboard and mouse all-in-one go (see the picture above). The kits should start going out some of the schools next week. I am grateful to Santander UK for the funding; CBiS Education for their support and advice so far; last but not least the schools who have enthusiastically expressed an interest in taking part.